Tuesday, March 23, 2010

War Simulations

Three advantages that people that have war simulations in war are

1) they get extra practice and more excpierence
2) they work on more that they are bad at
3) they get to excpierence things before it happens

what i think this technology will look in 10 years

i think it might look more holographic with more realistic people and have it 3d

Monday, March 22, 2010

Gaming Addiction

I think the reason that most people get addicted to gaming is because they have nothing to do. I think if they go outside once in a while that they wont be so addicted.

5 ways to tell that your addicted to gaming

1) that you keep on playing non stop
2) all you think about is games
3) when you don't go to sleep just play games
4) when you don't eat just to play games
5) when you don't go outside anymore just to play games

Monday, March 1, 2010

gaming adiction

I think the reason cause kids become adictied to gaming is because their parents let them be on their consel so much. i think parents should have a time that their children stop using the games. parents should let their kids go out side more so the dont get adicted.