Tuesday, December 16, 2008

what is a reasponcible pet owner

What i means to be a responsible pet owner would be to feed your pet every day breakfast lunch and diner also when their hungry.Other ways to be a responsible pet owner would also be to give your pet baths and make sure they don't have any ticks or fleas.What i would think of a responsible pet owner would be doing is them playing with their pet and consider their pet as a family as how i do with my cousins dog.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is when horrendous people abuse animals also to put them into fights with other animals to bet money on them.Animals shouldn't be treated like this they should be treated like family.It makes me melancholy how people could just use animals for their own selfish needs animals are meant to be like family. What you can do to stop animal cruelty would be to report it to the police or let an adult know of what you have seen.

Friday, October 10, 2008

child labor

my day is just working picking up things like beans.
it makes me feel bad and like a slave.
i don't do very good in school because i don't go to school that much.
i worry that i don't make enough money to support my family
my parents let me work to make money.
i would change my life by not having child labor.
yes others could help me by taking me out of child labor.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hurricane Ike

The damages caused by the winds were window glass being broken. Things being carried.And homes being torn apart.the damages caused by the wind were floods.what people did to stay safe was they had to evacuate.Also what people did to prepare fore the storm was they had to buy flash lights & a bottle of water & food you dont have to heat you.What happend to the people that didn't prepare for the storm was they died or get rescued.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

presure point

I think this song is about a person who has a disease and he feels like he doesn't deserve it. This song reminds me of people in this world that have diseases. I did not like it because it reminded me of people dying from diseases. I see them in the news .

Friday, September 12, 2008

As the sun sets

The sunset is a beautiful spot to sit and relax.
Beautiful and marvolous.
The breeze of the wind.
Birds chirping what a beautiful sight

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

8 random things about me

1.my favorite dish is lasana
2.my favorite t.v show is bakugan and naruto
3.i'am a puerto rican
4.i love to cook
5.i love my sister
6.my favorite movie is the chronicles of narnia
7.my favorite animal is a bird
8.my favorite color is black